534 results
Moredunvale Greenspace Development
The Council via the Housing Neighbourhood Improvement Programme are seeking to make improvements to the Moredunvale greenspace. The project is led by a steering group, comprised of Moredun Multi Residents Association, Gilmerton Inch Community Council, City of Edinburgh Council and design consultants. The steering group gathered ideas for the greenspace through community consultation, which was held in the park during the summer of 2022. A summary of the key ideas... MoreClosed 8 March 2023 -
New Wester Hailes High School
Pre-Planning Consultation The City of Edinburgh Council is currently redeveloping Wester Hailes High School in phases, which aligns with priorities set out in the recent Wester Hailes Development Framework and Local Place Plan for Wester Hailes. Phase 1 involved the refurbishment of the school space within the existing sports and community building (Block A) and the provision of a new all-weather sports pitch. Work was completed in summer 2022. ... MoreClosed 19 February 2023 -
Have your say on Community Justice
Community Justice partners are working to: Reduce crime and reoffending Keep communities safe; and Promote social inclusion and citizenship. Community Justice wants to support everyone to contribute to our communities and live crime-free lives. Some people need more support to do this than others. It is important that we support people who have committed o f fences so they can add value to our societ y . At the same... MoreClosed 19 February 2023 -
Meadowbank Development Pre-planning Engagement
Join us at one of our community engagement events to check out and provide feedback on the Meadowbank Development proposals . The City of Edinburgh Council, working in collaboration with the Edinburgh-Meadowbank (EDMB) Consortium, is embarking upon a transformational redevelopment project of the area surrounding the newly opened Meadowbank Sports Centre. The aim of the mixed-use development scheme, which has already been the subject of significant public consultation in partnership... MoreClosed 19 February 2023 -
Speed Limits Review: 20mph and Rural Roads
We are seeking your views on proposals to extend 20mph speed limits in Edinburgh and on introducing lower speed limits on our rural roads. The rural roads are mostly west of the city between Balerno and Queensferry. Edinburgh’s streets and rural roads are shared by many people and types of vehicle. We want to make our streets and rural roads safer and more pleasant for all, especially the most vulnerable users; those on foot, on bikes or, particularly on rural lanes, on horseback.... MoreClosed 8 February 2023 -
Leith Chooses 2022-2023
£eith Chooses is a process of democratic deliberation and decision-making in which local people choose how to spend a public budget (participatory budgeting, or ‘PB’). If you live, work, study or volunteer in Leith please take time to consider the projects, and be sure to vote. You can cast your votes online by clicking on the link in the purple box below. Postal voting papers are also available, but please don’t try to vote by post as well as online. ... MoreClosed 29 January 2023 -
Fields in Trust Protection for Orchard Park
Parks and green spaces are proven to help people stay physically and mentally well, build community spirit, help combat loneliness and are important for the planet. The Blackhall Community Trust have applied for a Community Asset Transfer of the Ravelston Park Pavilion located at Craigcrook Road, Edinburgh, the intention is to develop the building into a new community hub, including space for a new early learning and childcare centre. The park is currently protected in perpetuity... MoreClosed 27 January 2023 -
Taxi Fare Review 2023
The City of Edinburgh Council reviews taxi fares every 18 months and must consult on any proposals to change the taxi fare tariff. As part of this review consultation is being undertaken with the taxi trade, public and stakeholders. Consultation with the public is an important element of Jacobs' review of taxi fares. We want to hear from both users and non-users of taxis in Edinburgh to understand your views about taxi fares. This survey will take no more than 5 minutes... MoreClosed 19 January 2023 -
Gorgie Dalry 20 Minute Neighbourhood
20-minute neighbourhoods are places where everyone can meet most of their daily needs within a short walk, wheel or cycle from their home. We want to develop a plan to reimagine Gorgie Dalry as a more thriving place that is healthier, greener and safer for everyone. We are starting by looking at the following project area which covers Dalry and streets around Tynecastle High School. This survey will help us understand local needs, opportunities, and any... MoreClosed 16 January 2023 -
Future Secondary School Provision for Kirkliston and Queensferry Areas
Queensferry High School does not have capacity to accommodate new housing developments in Queensferry. Queensferry High School has capacity for 1,200 pupils. The school may exceed that capacity in 2025 and need to accommodate nearly 1,800 pupils by 2035. We think possible solutions could be to: extend Queensferry High School to accommodate up to 1,800 pupils; or build a new secondary school in Kirkliston or West Edinburgh for... MoreClosed 16 January 2023 -
Edinburgh's Thriving Greenspaces 2050
The City of Edinburgh Council is consulting on the draft Edinburgh’s Thriving Greenspaces 2050: A Vision and Strategy for the City of Edinburgh Council’s public greenspaces . This document sets a 2050 Vision for the city’s greenspaces with four strategic themes that will guide the management of the Council’s greenspaces and will be used to set priorities over the next 30 years. A plain text version of selected highlights from the draft strategy is... MoreClosed 31 December 2022 -
House in Multiple Occupation conditions
Under the terms of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2006, the Council is required to license Houses in Multiple Occupation (‘HMOs’) where three or more individuals or families both live in a property and share facilities in it. All HMO licences granted by the Council are subject to a set of standard conditions which licence holders must comply with. Conditions HMO11 and HMO12 of the Council’s standard conditions set out the requirements which must be met by... MoreClosed 30 December 2022 -
2023/24 Council Housing Survey
Every year we ask Council tenants for their views on how their rent should be spent. We use the responses to help us plan our investment priorities and Council housing budget for the following year. This year, with the cost of living crisis on everyone’s mind, we’d like to find out more the financial challenges you’re facing and how best to support you. The cost of living crisis is also making it more expensive to run our housing services. It’s now costing more to bring... MoreClosed 23 December 2022 -
Short-term Let Planning Guidance for Edinburgh
We want to know what you think about our proposed planning guidance for short-term lets in Edinburgh. We have updated the guidance to give more detail on how we will make decisions on planning applications. In 2021, the Scottish Government brought in new legislation which allows councils to have a short-term let control area. In a control area, these new laws mean if you offer a flat or a house for a short-term let that is not the home you live in, you will need planning... MoreClosed 22 December 2022 -
Licensing Board Policy Consultation
The Edinburgh Licensing Board is about to start the process of preparing its new Statement of Licensing Policy. The policy sets out in detail how the Board considers applications for the licensing of the sale of alcohol in the Board’s area, but also the expectations the Board has of licence holders in operating their premises. The Board has to prepare a new policy every five years and must ensure the policy promotes the licensing objectives of:- Preventing crime and... MoreClosed 20 December 2022 -
Fields in Trust Protection
Parks and green spaces are proven to help people stay physically and mentally well, build community spirit, help combat loneliness and are important for the planet. The Council is proposing that an additional twenty of the city's parks are nominated for Fields in Trust protection. This is a legal agreement known as a “Minute of Agreement” between the City of Edinburgh Council and the Fields in Trust charity. The proposals would go some way to ensure that almost everyone in the... MoreClosed 16 December 2022 -
World Heritage Site Management Plan 2023
Please share your thoughts on the Old and New Towns of Edinburgh World Heritage Site. This feedback will inform the shape of the upcoming Draft Management Plan (2023+). The Draft Management Plan identifies issues and opportunities within the Site, and presents an action plan for implementation over a five-year period. Issues include: care and maintenance of buildings and streets control and guidance and contribution of new... MoreClosed 12 December 2022 -
Granton Waterfront - New Core Path Naming
The Granton Waterfront Core Path is a key active travel route linking Waterfront Avenue with West Shore Road and providing access to the Granton Castle Walled Garden as well as access to the Social Bite Village. Increased use of the path is also expected now that Edinburgh Palette are moving into 20 West Shore Road, with the path providing a direct link to the nearest bus stops and the Waterfront Broadway local centre. The Council will be widening and resurfacing the path, as... MoreClosed 18 November 2022 -
Coillesdene Area Traffic Calming
A traffic management trial was implemented by the City of Edinburgh Council in February 2022 in the Brunstane Road and Coillesdene area through an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order. The trial includes the closure of Brunstane Road at the railway bridge in conjunction with measures at various locations in the Coillesdene area to reduce unnecessary through traffic. The trial was introduced because residents on Brunstane Road, between Milton Road and the railway bridge,... MoreClosed 1 November 2022 -
Inch Park Masterplan
We are seeking views on our masterplan for regenerating Inch Park . We are working with local communities and architects to create masterplans for Leith Links, West Pilton Park, Inverleith Park and Inch Park. These plans will show how people want to see the parks used in the future and what facilities they should have. Masterplans give us a vision. What is actually possible depends on local support and on funding. We have created a masterplan for regenerating... MoreClosed 31 October 2022 -
2030 Climate Strategy - Draft Strategic Environmental Assessment
The 2030 Climate Strategy was drafted in response to the City of Edinburgh Council declaring a climate emergency in 2019 and setting an ambition for both the Council and the city to become net zero by 2030. For Edinburgh to deliver the 2030 net zero target system-wide change is required across the city. The Council has worked with key city partners to put together actions that can be implemented now, using tested approaches and lessons learned from experiences in other cities. ... MoreClosed 11 October 2022 -
Police Scotland - Violence Against Women and Girls: Your Stories
This consultation is shared on behalf of Police Scotland. Police Scotland are developing a Violence against Women and Girls Strategy that will be informed by their values, ethics and service standards, and by understanding lived and living experience. If you are aged 16 or above, Police Scotland want to hear about your experiences of violence directed towards women and girls. This activity is about helping them to understand your experiences. MoreClosed 30 September 2022 -
Community Payback Consultation 2022
We want to hear your views on Community Payback Orders (CPO). These are given out by the Court to people to pay for their crimes as an alternative to a prison sentence. In particular, we want to know what you think about the unpaid work part of a CPO, which replaced community service in 2011. This is when an individual who has committed an offence does unpaid work within the community. Do you have any experience of people doing unpaid... MoreClosed 25 September 2022 -
Women's Safety in Public Places
At its meeting on 30 November 2021 the Council’s Policy and Sustainability Committee approved a consultation into girls’ and women’s feelings about safety in public spaces in Edinburgh. We recognise that many women and girls do not feel safe in public places and we are working to identify what makes particular areas and places feel safe or unsafe. We want to hear from all Edinburgh residents, particularly women and girls, who live, work and/or study in Edinburgh about your... MoreClosed 20 September 2022 -
Short Term Lets 2022 - consultation 2
We’ve previously asked you what the Council’s short term lets policy should include and what any additional licence conditions should cover. After considering responses to that consultation, a proposed short term let licensing policy and conditions framework has been developed . As a result of the Civic Government Scotland Act 1982 (Licensing of Short Term Lets) Order 2022 being passed by the Scottish Parliament, local authorities in Scotland will introduce a licensing... MoreClosed 5 September 2022 -
Scientific Services user feedback
Thank you for using Edinburgh Scientific Services in the previous year. We are dedicated to improving our service and would be delighted if you could take a few moments to complete our customer satisfaction survey. We value your feedback and will use the survey results to introduce positive change. MoreOpened 1 August 2022 -
Leith Links Masterplan
The City of Edinburgh Council’s Thriving Greenspaces Project has funded the development of 10-year concept Masterplans for Leith Links, West Pilton Park, Inch Park and Inverleith Park, working with local communities and landscape architects to develop ideas for future use and facilities in these parks. Master planning gives an overall broad plan for an area and is a vision of what could happen, whether or not it is delivered in full depends on several things including local support,... MoreClosed 31 July 2022 -
Leith Connections: Phase 3 west - east proposals
The Leith Connections project is aiming to create a safer and more comfortable street environment for residents walking, wheeling, cycling and spending time in the local streets and outdoor spaces of Leith. The project builds upon the City of Edinburgh Council’s City Mobility Plan . This aims to help Edinburgh connect through a safer and more inclusive carbon neutral transport system - delivering a healthier, thriving, fairer and compact capital city and a higher quality of life for... MoreClosed 17 July 2022 -
South Queensferry - walking, wheeling and cycling improvements
As part of the delivery of the Local Development Plan , we are exploring opportunities for improving walking, wheeling and cycling conditions within South Queensferry. The aim is to create more travel options for your daily trips to school and work as well as other trips in your local community. The Local Development Plan was adopted in November 2016 and includes detail on the policies and proposals that are to be used in delivering future developments for the city and ... MoreClosed 17 July 2022 -
Lochend and Easter Road - walking, wheeling and cycling improvements
The purpose of this survey is for you to provide us with feedback on the design proposals for local path improvements to the path connection from Moray Park Terrace to Lochend Butterfly Way, and changes to the Easter Road/ Albion Road Junction. The map below shows the two areas our proposals are considering. Please review the proposals before responding to the survey. A summary is provided here with more details available via the Give us your views link... MoreClosed 17 July 2022
534 results.
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