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529 results

  • Kirk Brae Pedestrian Crossing Improvements

    The Council proposes to install a footpath build out on Kirk Brae, north of Orchardhead Road to improve pedestrian mobility and safety. In 2017, the Council consulted on the removal of the existing traffic island outside No.52 Kirk Brae to address road safety concerns that had been raised. It is proposed to progress the island removal works in conjunction with the delivery of the new footpath build out. More
    Opened 26 February 2020
  • Draft Revised Colinton Conservation Area Character Appraisal

    The Council is responsible for the conservation and management of built heritage in the city including the designation of conservation areas as areas of special architectural or historic interest. The Colinton Conservation Area was originally designated in October 1977. A Character Appraisal for the Conservation Area was published in 1999 . C haracter Appraisals are designed to help manage change in the area. More
    Opened 3 March 2020
  • Leith Walk / Halmyre Street Draft Place Brief Consultation

    About Leith Walk / Halmyre Street Site The site is an area of partially vacant land and buildings to the east of Leith Walk linking through to Halmyre Street and Manderston Street. The area has three main landowners and there are aspirations for the redevelopment of parts of the site. We are seeking to ensure that future development on this site is co-ordinated. Early developer and landowner discussions with the Planning... More
    Opened 10 March 2020
  • Water of Leith Management Plan 2020-2030

    The Water of Leith, Edinburgh’s river, is a beautiful, dynamic and much loved part of our city. With hundreds of stakeholders, landowners and user groups, a management plan is needed to provide direction over the future management of the river, especially in the context of a changing climate and increasing pressure on the resource from development and by user groups. The setting of objectives and priorities will give clarity to the programming of works along the river and a... More
    Opened 13 March 2020
  • Warrender Park Road footway enhancement

    PLEASE NOTE THE CLOSING DATE HAS BEEN EXTENDED DUE TO THE EVOLVING CIRCUMSTANCES OF CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) The Council proposes to enhance the footway in Warrender Park Road outside James Gillespie's Primary School to improve pedestrian mobility and safety. More
    Opened 20 March 2020
  • Clermiston Primary School - Road Safety Improvements

    Please note the consultation deadline has been extended due to the Coronavirus outbreak. The Council proposes to install the following improvements: Parkgrove Street a raised crossing point improved traffic calming and road markings various other minor improvements Parkgrove Terrace contraflow cyclist improvements improved road markings More
    Opened 23 March 2020
  • Duddingston Road Safety Improvements

    Please note the consultation deadline has been extended due to the Coronavirus outbreak. The Council proposes to alter road markings and parking restrictions as well as upgrade traffic calming features on Duddingston Road. There is also a proposal to make Stanley Street a no through road for vehicles. More
    Opened 23 March 2020
  • Little France Park Management Plan

    Little France Park (LFP) is the city’s newest park reclaiming unmanaged grassland for the local community and carving out a green corridor from the city centre to Midlothian. It is a new corridor for wildlife whilst offering a network of paths, cycleways all spread across 45 hectares. The L ittle France Park Management Plan will help explain the value of the site as a parkland and provide direction over its future management. The layout and setting of... More
    Opened 27 March 2020
  • Review of polling districts and polling places

    The City of Edinburgh Council Election Team have conducted a review of the polling districts and polling places in the City, in accordance with The Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013. We have a duty to split the city into polling districts, with a polling place allocated to each district. The aim is to give voters the optimal facilities for voting - they need to be easy to get to, accessible to all voters and to have appropriate capacity and facilities. Our... More
    Opened 13 July 2020
  • Edinburgh Pact

    The Edinburgh Pact What is the Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership? We’re responsible for delivering community and bed-based health and social care services for adults in Edinburgh. The Partnership is made up of people employed by both the City of Edinburgh Council and NHS Lothian who work in health centres, GP Practices, community hospitals, care homes, nursing homes and communities across the city. Our staff provide care and support for... More
    Opened 22 July 2020
  • Community Payback Consultation 2020

    We want to hear your views on Community Payback Orders (CPO). These are given out by the Court to people to pay for their crimes as an alternative to a prison sentence. In particular, we want to know what you think about the unpaid work part of a CPO, which replaced community service in 2011. This is when a person does unpaid work within the community. Do you have any experience of people doing unpaid work in your community? Do you have any ideas about residents,... More
    Opened 3 August 2020
  • Edinburgh People Survey

    The City of Edinburgh Council, in partnership with NHS Lothian, is currently undertaking the Edinburgh People Survey. The survey focuses on resident experience of services during Covid-19 and areas of interest to both organisations, such as alternative ways of delivering services. If you are contacted by telephone, we would appreciate you taking the time to participate in the survey. This is your opportunity to let the Council and NHS Lothian know your opinions and your feedback... More
    Opened 9 October 2020
  • CCWEL Crossing Proposals - Stanhope Street

    The Council proposes to install a new crossing in the vicinity of Stanhope Street and Hampton Terrace (A8) as part of the City Centre West to East Link (CCWEL) cycle infrastructure project. A preliminary plan was previously developed and shared with the public . In response to feedback received, we have developed a second option and we wish now to obtain the views of local people on the proposals. More
    Opened 26 October 2020
  • Granton Waterfront - Western Villages

    The Council owns around 120 acres of developable land within the Granton Waterfront area, creating a unique opportunity to work with key partners and the local residents to deliver an exemplar regeneration. Previous failed attempts to develop Granton highlight the importance of a joined up approach. In February 2020 the Council approved a Development Framework which sets out the vision and key principles that will serve as guidance for all those who wish to develop in the area. This... More
    Opened 26 October 2020
  • Equality Outcomes 2021-2025

    The Equality Act 2010  requires all public bodies (such as councils and the health service) to publish equality outcomes at least every four years. Equality outcomes aim to achieve specific and identifiable improvements in people’s life chances, eliminate discrimination and foster good relations. Working in partnership - Edinburgh, West Lothian and Midlothian Councils (including their education authorities and Midlothian’s licensing board), NHS... More
    Opened 3 November 2020
  • Gaelic Medium Education in Edinburgh

    We aim to build a dedicated secondary school for Gaelic Medium Education in Edinburgh. The City of Edinburgh Council is committed to the expansion of high-quality secondary Gaelic Medium Education (GME) in an immersive environment. As Scotland’s capital city, we have a special responsibility to nurture and help cultivate the Gaelic language as an integral part of our shared heritage and national identity. In order to secure a sustainable future for Gaelic, the Council... More
    Opened 5 November 2020
  • Access and camping in the Pentland Hills Regional Park

    The Pentland Hills Regional Park (PHRP) covers a large area of land south of Edinburgh, with landowners including farmers, local authorities and sport-shooting interests. You can find out more about the Regional Park by visiting . Over recent months and years PHRP has suffered from irresponsible wild camping, antisocial behaviour and a significant rise in car park usage, causing problem parking in surrounding areas. We are proposing a series of... More
    Opened 6 November 2020
  • 2021-24 Council Budget Engagement

    Covid-19 has changed all our lives – immensely, and abruptly. The past few months have been incredibly tough for us all, and there continues to be great uncertainty about what will happen next. The pandemic’s impact has also shone a light on the health of our people and planet, highlighting the need to protect and support the most vulnerable in our communities. As we each continue to navigate the challenges and changes, likewise we at the Council are having... More
    Opened 12 November 2020
  • Brunstane Road and Coillesdene Area Traffic Calming

    Residents on Brunstane Road, between Milton Road East and the railway bridge, have experienced long-standing traffic problems. Council officers have reviewed the resident concerns and have developed a solution to alleviate these problems. This is proposed through the trial implementation of temporary infrastructure to create a quiet neighbourhood within the Joppa Triangle area. The proposed measures would also mitigate against any increase in traffic generated by new housing... More
    Opened 20 November 2020
  • Edinburgh Food Growing Strategy

    Under the Community Empowerment Act 2015, all Scottish Local Authorities are required to produce a Food Growing Strategy for their area. The draft Edinburgh Food Growing Strategy , Growing Locally, was approved for consultation by Council Committee in February 2020. The three key objectives of the Strategy are to: Grow more locally Consume more locally Increase awareness and engagement An... More
    Opened 27 November 2020
  • Newbattle Terrace Public Realm Works

    The Council is proposing to carry our major refurbishment works on Newbattle Terrace between Morningside Road and Eden Lane. The aim of the scheme is to improve the streetscape and make it a more welcoming place by: Resurfacing the road and footpaths in high quality materials Eliminating uneven surfaces and drainage problems Replacing missing street trees with suitable species Introducing continuous at-level footpaths over... More
    Opened 30 November 2020
  • Edinburgh Living Landscape

    The Edinburgh Living Landscape (ELL) is a partnership project that creates, restores and connects green areas of the city to help reduce the impact of climate change and make attractive and biodiverse landscapes. As part of this project the Council has created a significant number of biodiversity-rich landscape features, i.e. sowing floral meadows, reducing how often some areas of grass are cut to encourage naturalisation and pollination, mowing pathways through areas of longer grass so... More
    Opened 9 December 2020
  • Low Traffic Neighbourhoods Proposals for Communities

    This page provides details of Council led public engagements currently being undertaken on the Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN) projects in Edinburgh. It also provides links to the reports and documentation of public engagement previously undertaken on LTNs see the ‘Related’ section below. This includes the reports on the Autumn 2021 Corstorphine LTN placemaking engagment. There are no public engagements currently being undertaken. More
    Opened 1 January 2021
  • Questionnaire for people who use independent advocacy services in Edinburgh

    The Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership contracts independent advocacy services from the third sector. This is because we have a duty to provide access to independent advocacy services to people who need it and meet the requirements for it. The requirement for indepedendent advocacy is decided by the following legislation: Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000 ... More
    Opened 5 January 2021
  • Leith Chooses 2020-2021

    £eith Chooses is a process of democratic deliberation and decision-making in which local people choose how to spend a public budget. (participatory budgeting, or ‘PB’) If you live, work, study or volunteer in Leith please take time to consider the projects, and cast your votes here. Grants of up to £5,000 will be awarded from a total of £51,106 (£46,106 from Community Grants Fund and £5,000 from Trams to Newhaven). These grants are for small,... More
    Opened 25 January 2021
  • Proposed Local Nature Reserve Declaration for Little France Park

    The City of Edinburgh Council intends to declare Little France Park as a Local Nature Reserve. The Council’s legislative power to declare Local Nature Reserves is outlined below. A Local Nature Reserve (LNR) is an area of land declared under Section 21 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949, by a local authority, for its special nature interest and/or educational value. The final stages of the declaration process will take place during... More
    Opened 29 January 2021
  • Corstorphine Connections - Low Traffic Neighbourhood Engagement

    This public engagement gives people the opportunity to express their views about the current issues, challenges and opportunities that will infrom the scope of a potential low traffic neighbourhood in this area of Corstorphine - south of St John's Road, between Meadow Place Road and Pinkhill. More
    Opened 8 February 2021
  • Leith Connections

    We are seeking feedback from local residents and businesses on a new project which aims to create a safer and more comfortable environment for residents and visitors walking, cycling, wheeling and spending time in the local streets and outdoor spaces of Leith. The project will build upon the City of Edinburgh Council’s current cycling and waking projects , Active Travel Action Plan , QuietRoute network and cycle and walking improvements that are a part of the Trams to... More
    Opened 8 February 2021
  • New Maybury Primary School and Health Centre

    We are looking for your views on design proposals for the new Maybury Primary School and Health Centre. This new building will be located within the West Craigs development near the airport in West Edinburgh. More
    Opened 15 February 2021
  • Edinburgh City-wide Parking Phase 2

    The City of Edinburgh Council is proposing measures to address parking pressures in your area. As part of the process of introducing these measures, we want to know what difficulties you experience with parking in your area, as well as your views on what is being proposed. More
    Opened 15 February 2021
529 results. Page 12 of 18