540 results
Keep the Faith - Representing Faith and Religion in Museums and Galleries Edinburgh (visitor survey)
Keep the Faith - Representing Faith and Religion in Museums and Galleries Edinburgh - is a new project recently launched by Museums and Galleries Edinburgh with the aim of expanding our faith collections to make them more representative of religious life across the city. We are asking our visitors to share their views on this and would love to hear your thoughts. Need a different language or format? Please email the Interpretation and Translation... MoreOpened 10 June 2024 -
Representing Faith and Religion in Museums and Galleries Edinburgh
Museums & Galleries Edinburgh is a collection of 13 venues and over 200 monuments across Edinburgh. Our vision is to inspire, enthuse and provoke through a shared passion for Edinburgh, Art and History. Our nine major visitor attractions are the City Art Centre; Lauriston Castle; Museum of Childhood; Museum of Edinburgh; Nelson Monument; People’s Story; Queensferry Museum; Scott Monument and Writers’ Museum. We house rich and varied collections relating to the historical and cultural... MoreOpened 10 June 2024 -
West Edinburgh Placemaking Framework Amendments
The West Edinburgh Placemaking Framework and Strategic Masterplan covers the area along the A8 corridor, south of Edinburgh Airport. This will be a whole new area of Edinburgh with shops, schools, services, public transport, health care, parks, sports facilities – things that people need in their everyday life. The West Edinburgh Placemaking Framework and Strategic Masterplan will guide that new development. It went out for engagement in 2023 and the Framework... MoreOpened 5 June 2024 -
Connecting Granton Waterfront
The regeneration of Granton Waterfront is a residential led, mixed use development that includes: 3,500 mixed tenure homes; a new primary school; a new health centre; retail and leisure opportunities, that will link with new and existing cultural facilities; and business space. These will be tied together with high quality public realm and green spaces connecting new and existing communities to the wider city and Edinburgh’s Waterfront through active and... MoreOpened 4 June 2024 -
Edinburgh's Local Housing Strategy
Edinburgh’s Local Housing Strategy will cover all tenures and types of housing and will set out the priorities for delivering housing and related services. It is a statutory requirement that local authorities produce a Local Housing Strategy. The City of Edinburgh Council’s Enabling and Partnerships Team are leading the research, development and monitoring of Edinburgh's Local Housing Strategy. Your views and feedback will be sought throughout 2024 and t he final... MoreOpened 6 May 2024 -
Granton Waterfront Heritage Survey
Granton Waterfront has a fascinating history and heritage. It is home to a number of valuable heritage artefacts, buildings and places and has been an important centre for the maritime, manufacturing and energy industries. There are distinctive historic buildings and heritage landscapes across the area that we want to preserve, restore and refurbish for the local community – and further afield - to enjoy. In May 2023, the Council received funding from the National Lottery... MoreOpened 1 May 2024 -
Victoria Park's Bowling Greens
The Thriving Green Spaces team in City of Edinburgh Council are currently developing proposals for unused Bowling Greens in parks throughout the city. This includes Victoria Park’s bowling greens. The team has delivered several consultation sessions. Drawing from this feedback, we have developed several ideas for how these spaces could be improved and re-integrated back into the park. Our landscape architects have visually developed these ideas further, and at this stage the City of... MoreOpened 24 April 2024 -
St Margaret's Park's Bowling Green
The Thriving Green Spaces team at the City of Edinburgh Council are currently developing proposals for unused Bowling Greens in parks throughout the city. This includes St Margaret’s Park’s bowling green. The team has delivered several consultation sessions. Drawing from this feedback, we have developed several ideas for how these spaces could be improved and re-integrated back into the park. Our landscape architects have visually developed these ideas further, and at this stage the... MoreOpened 24 April 2024 -
Developing our British Sign Language Plan for 2024-2030
The British Sign Language (BSL) National Plan was published by Scottish Government in November 2023. The British Sign Language (Scotland) Act 2015 requires all local authorities in Scotland to publish their own plan, showing how they will promote, and facilitate the promotion of the use and understanding of BSL in Scotland. These plans will take account of local circumstances and consider how best to respond to BSL users’ needs within local communities, organisations or services. ... MoreOpened 15 April 2024 -
Budget Engagement 2024
The City of Edinburgh Council wants to hear resident views on: Where we can save money; Where we are doing well; and Where we need to improve. Your feedback and suggestions will help us to develop proposals to balance our budget. They will also help Councillors to understand your needs and priorities when they make decisions about how to spend the city's budget. MoreOpened 9 April 2024 -
Dalry - Living Well Locally
The 'Dalry - Living Well Locally' project aims to improve Dalry and its town centre to make it greener, healthier and more thriving. Fig.1 Map of the project area Our ideas have been designed to make it easier to access local shops, schools, services and public transport, with wider pavements and better cycling provision. We also want to create a more attractive place to spend time, with trees, planting, public art and opportunities to rest. To... MoreOpened 4 April 2024 -
Greendykes & Wauchope House Communal Heating
Homes in Greendykes and Wauchope House are heated through a communal heating system. Tenants pay for their heating through a set weekly charge of £6.92, called Heat with Rent (HWR). Every 6 months, information on actual energy use is used to calculate if tenants paid more than they actually used and the Council refund (or abate) the difference. Unfortunately, some meters no longer work and accurate billing cannot be provided. When this happens, an average abatement is provided... MoreOpened 3 April 2024 -
Physical Activity and Sport Strategy for Edinburgh
We would like to hear your views on the draft Physical Activity and Sport Strategy for Edinburgh. Our vision is to create an Edinburgh where everyone enjoys the benefits of an active life. Because we know that the more active we are, the healthier we become both physically and mentally, the stronger our communities and the more inclusive our city. The draft strategy aims to tackle inequality, promote inclusion and reduce health inequality. It is... MoreOpened 3 April 2024 -
Proposed Gilmerton Station Road Primary School
The Local Development Plan 2016 and increased housing in the area has highlighted the requirement for a new primary school at Gilmerton Station Road. This project brings exciting opportunities to explore ways in which the new school can support community use and align with the Council's Corporate Property Strategy . At this stage in the process, we want to hear your views on what would benefit the wider community and encourage use of the new school as more than... MoreOpened 1 April 2024 -
Overprovision of Licensed Premises
The Licensing Board is carrying out an assessment of whether there is overprovision of licensed premises (in relation to the sale of alcohol) in the City of Edinburgh Council area. The Board is keen to hear your views on overprovision of licensed premises including types of premises, size and capacity of premises, and hours of operation within Edinburgh and its localities. They would like as many views as possible and will review every response received. MoreOpened 21 March 2024 -
Edinburgh's vision for inclusive education for children and young people
The City of Edinburgh Council want inclusion to lie at the heart of the culture, ethos and practise in all learning establishments, where all children and young people’s needs are met in local schools where they access learning and a curriculum that meets their individual needs. Our vision for inclusion In Edinburgh every child or young person irrespective of identity, background or ability is part of a resilient and positive learning community where... MoreOpened 12 March 2024 -
Lindsay Road Bridge Regeneration
Lindsay Road Bridge is a much-loved landmark and important part of Leith’s local history. It provides a safe and convenient walking, wheeling and cycling route between North Fort Street and Newhaven. In 2021 community members painted the bridge in rainbow colours, leading to it being named locally as the ‘Rainbow’ or ‘Pride’ Bridge and has come to represent LBGTQ+ pride. In December 2021, the well-used bridge was closed due to health and safety concerns.... MoreOpened 22 February 2024 -
Community Council Scheme and Boundary Review 2023 - Phase 2
Community Councils are voluntary organisations set up by statute by the Local Authority to act on behalf of their areas. They are involved in a range of activities which promote and protect the well-being and identity of their communities; and help bring local people together to make things happen. They advise, petition, influence and advocate numerous causes and cases of concern on behalf of local communities. Edinburgh currently has 46 community council areas. All local... MoreOpened 19 February 2024 -
Roseburn to South Gyle walking, wheeling and cycling improvements (Quiet Route 9)
The Council is developing designs for improvements along the Roseburn to South Gyle route (Quiet Route 9), which extends west to east between South Gyle and Roseburn Park. The improvements will be in several phases; this first phase focuses on three sites (covering five junctions) in the Balgreen area - sites H, I and J. The improvements will provide significant value to the local community, benefitting people who live in or work in the area, as well as those... MoreOpened 15 February 2024 -
Managing the Old and New Towns of Edinburgh World Heritage Site
World Heritage Sites (WHS) are recognised by UNESCO as places of outstanding cultural, historical, or scientific value and are legally protected by international treaties. The Old and New Towns of Edinburgh were given WHS status in 1995; recognising the striking contrast and quality in architecture between the medieval Old Town and the Georgian New Town. Old and New Towns of Edinburgh World Heritage Site Management Plan A Management Plan identifies issues and opportunities within... MoreOpened 12 February 2024 -
Edinburgh Future Libraries Questionnaire
Your Libraries, Your Say We have an exciting opportunity to create a new Future Libraries Strategy and vision that will provide a framework for service delivery and development for the next five years. We want to explore opportunities to develop the service, to evolve and to be able to meet the diverse needs of local people and our communities, all within a balanced budget. With technological advances, changing public expectations and increasing budget pressures, we now need... MoreOpened 26 January 2024 -
Leith Chooses 2023 - 2024
£eith Chooses is a process of democratic deliberation and decision-making in which local people choose how to spend a public budget (participatory budgeting, or ‘PB’). If you live, work, study or volunteer in Leith please take time to consider the projects, and be sure to vote. You can cast your votes online by clicking on the link in the purple-bordered box below. You can also vote at the in-person event on the 27th January at Leith Community Centre from 11am-3pm. ... MoreOpened 22 January 2024 -
Liberton Hospital Community Engagement Pop-Up Event
On 31 March, The City of Edinburgh Council were successful in their bid to purchase Liberton Hospital and the neighbouring Blood Transfusion Site. This has created a unique opportunity to engage fully with the local community to create a masterplan for the site. The development aims to provide integrated specialist accomodation which meets the needs of the Edinburgh Health & Social Care Partnership, as well as providing affordable homes and private... MoreOpened 19 January 2024 -
Draft Climate Ready Edinburgh Plan (New climate change adaptation plan for the city)
We would like to hear your views on the draft Climate Ready Edinburgh plan. Read the draft Climate Ready Edinburgh plan . The plan explains why we need to adapt our city to the impacts of climate change including the most up-to-date projections of how Edinburgh’s climate is likely to change in the future, the impacts of this and the implications this has for the city. It then sets out what we are already doing and planning to do to adapt the city through... MoreOpened 15 January 2024 -
Edinburgh Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy and Delivery Plan
The Edinburgh Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES) and Delivery Plan aim to: Improve energy efficiency Reduce carbon emissions Reduce fuel poverty The Edinburgh LHEES identifies where and how to adapt buildings to reduce emissions and identifies potential heat network zones. The Delivery Plan concentrates on actions between 2024 to 2028. It prioritises areas where actions may be easier,... MoreOpened 19 December 2023 -
Liberton Hospital Community Engagement Event
On March 31st, 2023, The City of Edinburgh Council were successful in their bid to purchase Liberton Hospital and the neighbouring Blood Transfusion Site. This has created a unique opportunity to engage fully with the local community to create a Master Plan for the site. The development aims to provide integrated specialist accomodation which meets the needs of the Edinburgh Health & Social Care Partnership, as well as providing affordable homes and private homes for sale or rent. ... MoreOpened 13 December 2023 -
Workplace Parking Levy (WPL) - Business Survey
This version of the survey is specifically aimed at businesses. If you are an individual or household responding to this consultation, please use the individual survey . A new law was introduced from the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019 giving councils in Scotland the ability to introduce a Workplace Parking Levy (WPL) in their local area or part of their local area if it decides to. All the money raised from the WPL must, by law, be invested into improving local... MoreOpened 28 November 2023 -
Dalry Primary Proposed School Zone to Reduce Vehicular Traffic at Start and End of School Day
The streets surrounding schools can be busy with traffic and difficult to navigate safely around the start and end of the school day. To help create a happier, safer and healthier street environment for everyone , we are introducing School Streets and Zones to temporarily reduce motor traffic in the street outside schools at key drop-off and pick-up times. School Streets and Zones offer a number of benefits for everyone, including: Increasing walking,... MoreOpened 23 November 2023 -
City Plan 2040 - Draft Participation Statement
This survey is asking you (or your organisation) on the best ways to keep you informed and to get you involved in City Plan 2040. Why Local Development Plans Matter We are at the very early stage of preparing City Plan 2040 which will be our next local development plan after City Plan 2030. A local development plan is an important planning document. It guides how Edinburgh changes and grows; and how we respond to key concerns such as providing... MoreOpened 17 November 2023 -
George Street and First New Town Design Project
We want to hear what you think about our next phase of the George Street and First New Town project and the design of the cross streets of North Castle Street, Frederick Street and Hanover Street (North). The Council is committed to delivering our vision for the future of Edinburgh’s city centre as set out in the City Centre Transformation (CCT) project . We will change central Edinburgh to make it better for people walking, wheeling and cycling, and... MoreOpened 16 November 2023
540 results.
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