134 results
Budget Engagement 2024
The City of Edinburgh Council wants to hear resident views on: Where we can save money; Where we are doing well; and Where we need to improve. Your feedback and suggestions will help us to develop proposals to balance our budget. They will also help Councillors to understand your needs and priorities when they make decisions about how to spend the city's budget. MoreClosed 28 July 2024 -
Victoria Park's Bowling Greens
The Thriving Green Spaces team in City of Edinburgh Council are currently developing proposals for unused Bowling Greens in parks throughout the city. This includes Victoria Park’s bowling greens. The team has delivered several consultation sessions. Drawing from this feedback, we have developed several ideas for how these spaces could be improved and re-integrated back into the park. Our landscape architects have visually developed these ideas further, and at this stage the City of... MoreClosed 8 June 2024 -
St Margaret's Park's Bowling Green
The Thriving Green Spaces team at the City of Edinburgh Council are currently developing proposals for unused Bowling Greens in parks throughout the city. This includes St Margaret’s Park’s bowling green. The team has delivered several consultation sessions. Drawing from this feedback, we have developed several ideas for how these spaces could be improved and re-integrated back into the park. Our landscape architects have visually developed these ideas further, and at this stage the... MoreClosed 8 June 2024 -
Granton Waterfront Heritage Survey
Granton Waterfront has a fascinating history and heritage. It is home to a number of valuable heritage artefacts, buildings and places and has been an important centre for the maritime, manufacturing and energy industries. There are distinctive historic buildings and heritage landscapes across the area that we want to preserve, restore and refurbish for the local community – and further afield - to enjoy. In May 2023, the Council received funding from the National Lottery... MoreClosed 29 May 2024 -
Lindsay Road Bridge Regeneration
Lindsay Road Bridge is a much-loved landmark and important part of Leith’s local history. It provides a safe and convenient walking, wheeling and cycling route between North Fort Street and Newhaven. In 2021 community members painted the bridge in rainbow colours, leading to it being named locally as the ‘Rainbow’ or ‘Pride’ Bridge and has come to represent LBGTQ+ pride. In December 2021, the well-used bridge was closed due to health and safety concerns.... MoreClosed 4 April 2024 -
Edinburgh Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy and Delivery Plan
The Edinburgh Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES) and Delivery Plan aim to: Improve energy efficiency Reduce carbon emissions Reduce fuel poverty The Edinburgh LHEES identifies where and how to adapt buildings to reduce emissions and identifies potential heat network zones. The Delivery Plan concentrates on actions between 2024 to 2028. It prioritises areas where actions may be easier,... MoreClosed 4 March 2024 -
Proposal to Close Cameron House Nursery
The City of Edinburgh Council is proposing to permanently close Cameron House Nursery. Full details of the proposal can be found in the consultation paper . Cameron House Nursery was registered for 28 places but demand had dropped to just 4 in 2019, when it was registered as 'inactive'. The four children have since moved to the nearby Prestonfield Nursery. Significant investment would be needed if Cameron House Nursery was to become... MoreClosed 22 December 2023 -
2024/25 Council Housing Rent Consultation
Every year we ask tenants to give their views on the rent they pay. With budgets being set for next year and beyond, we now want to ask you how we should spend and invest in your homes, neighbourhoods and services. The 2024/25 Council Housing Rent Consultation Information (PDF) provides a summary about the way the housing service works and sets out our plans over the next few years. We hope that it will help you to answer the questions in this online survey. We're also sending a... MoreClosed 17 December 2023 -
Street Trading and Market Operators
For many years the Council has controlled street trading and the operation of markets by requiring these activities to be licensed. A Street Trader’s Licence is needed to sell goods or services on the street - for example: selling tourist gifts on the Royal Mile ice cream vans pedicabs street food vans A Market Operator’s licence is needed to o perate a market where goods... MoreClosed 13 December 2023 -
Proposal to build a new primary school in the Builyeon Road housing development
Significant new housing is proposed within the Queensferry area. The existing school infrastructure is not large enough to accommodate the pupil numbers expected going forward. Proposal A new non-denominational primary school and nursery is being proposed within the Builyeon Road housing development. This would involve the creation of a new catchment area. The full proposal details two options for the new catchment area. A shorter, summary paper is also available . ... MoreClosed 31 October 2023 -
Statutory Consultation Proposing a Replacement St Catherine's RC Primary School
We want to hear your views on plans to establish a new 11 class primary school and nursery on the South Neighbourhood Office site on Captain’s Road, replacing the existing St Catherine's Roman Catholic primary school. Investigations in the summer of 2018 considering how best to upgrade St Catherine’s RC primary school concluded that the building needed to be replaced rather than upgraded. Relocating a school means we have a legal obligation to carry out a statutory... MoreClosed 31 October 2023 -
Towards West Edinburgh 2050
Towards West Edinburgh 2050 is our proposal on how the area to the west of the city should change over time. It is a ‘spatial strategy’ which covers the area of land stretching from the western edge of the city to the boundary with West Lothian, and from the Pentlands in the south to the Firth of Forth in the north. We have developed it in partnership with Scottish Enterprise, Scottish Futures Trust Transport Scotland. ... MoreClosed 10 October 2023 -
West Edinburgh Placemaking Framework and Strategic Masterplan
We are planning to create a new neighbourhood along the A8 corridor, next to Edinburgh Airport. This will have around 11,000 new homes alongside shops, schools, healthcare, leisure facilities and other things people will need. We will also make sure it is well connected, providing active travel links and public transport to the surrounding areas and the rest of the city. We consulted on the principle of development as part of City Plan 2030. We are now... MoreClosed 4 October 2023 -
Licensing of Sexual Entertainment Venues - July 2023
In March 2022, the Regulatory Committee formally agreed to introduce a licensing scheme for Sexual Entertainment Venues (SEVs) in Edinburgh. This followed the introduction of new legislation which allowed local authorities to license such venues, and a public consultation exercise on the issue. Adoption of the powers to license Sexual Entertainment Venues (SEVs) does not imply approval of these premises by the Council. Following the consultation process the Council... MoreClosed 3 October 2023 -
Broxburn to Maybury Public Transport and Active Travel Improvements
Working with West Lothian Council, we want to improve travel along the A8/A89 between Broxburn and Maybury. Our aim is to better connect communities with major employment, education, healthcare and leisure opportunities. To meet our net zero targets, we need to make it safer and easier for more people to make more journeys by bus or by walking, wheeling or cycling (known as active travel). This includes addressing: slow and unreliable bus journey times... MoreClosed 5 September 2023 -
House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) Best Practice Guide 2023
On 28 October 2021, the City of Edinburgh Council agreed a motion by Councillor Neil Ross on Raising HMO Standards. The motion relates to specific areas of HMO Licensing in the city. In particular, the motion referred to the following issues: The issue of application notices to residents; The issue of emergency contact details to residents: and The problem of fly-tipping and/or abuse of residential waste facilities by contractors employed by landlords or... MoreClosed 10 August 2023 -
New St Catherine’s RC Primary School
Due to the poor condition of St Catherine’s RC Primary School, capital investment was agreed back in 2019. Taking on board previous engagement and feasibility work undertaken in the area and the Council ‘whole place’ approach, we would like to explore ways in which the new school can support wider use, providing additional community benefit and value for the local area. At this stage in the process, we want to hear your views on the location of the new school and... MoreClosed 7 August 2023 -
Actions to deliver Edinburgh’s City Mobility Plan
We approved the City Mobility Plan for Edinburgh in February 2021. Our vision is for people, goods and services to be able to move into and around Edinburgh in a way that is safe, sustainable, efficient and can benefit everyone. We have an ambitious 2030 target to lower the number of kilometres travelled by car in Edinburgh by 30%. Edinburgh also aims to achieve Net Zero by 2030. We understand that some people will still need to make certain journeys by car and for... MoreClosed 9 July 2023 -
A New Kirkliston High School on the Kirkliston Leisure Centre Site
In January 2023, we asked people to give us their views on the future of secondary school provision in Queensferry and Kirkliston. People told us that there should be a new high school in Kirkliston. Some people said that we should redevelop the existing Kirkliston Leisure Centre site for a new high school. We have appointed an architect to write a report telling us whether a high school for up to 1,200 pupils could be built on the Kirkliston Leisure Centre site. This... MoreClosed 30 June 2023 -
New Greendykes Primary School
The Local Development Plan and Craigmillar Urban Design Framework confirm the proposal for a new primary school in Greendykes, in connection with new housing proposals. This project brings ex c iting opportunities to explore ways in which the new school can support wider use, providing additional community benefit and value for the local area . MoreClosed 30 June 2023 -
Essential users and carers parking permit consultation
Essential Users Permit (EUP) Holders If you’re an existing EUP holder we want to know your views on how the scheme currently operates and if you have any suggestions on how it could be improved. Carers Whether you’re a paid or unpaid carer we’re proposing to introduce two new parking permits. The two different types of permits being proposed are: Professional Carers Permit – intended for those employed by an organisation or agency and who make multiple... MoreClosed 30 April 2023 -
Portobello - Living Well Locally
We are seeking your views on the streets, public spaces and local facilities that exist in Portobello town centre and the local area. Do they look and function as well as you would like? This project is part of the City of Edinburgh Council’s 20-minute neighbourhood strategy which is looking to provide better access to local facilities and open spaces across the city. The 20-minute neighbourhood approach enables everyone to be able to access services and meet most... MoreClosed 14 April 2023 -
Taxi Fare Review 2023 - proposed tariff
The City of Edinburgh Council reviews taxi fares every 18 months and must consult on any proposals to change the taxi fare tariff. The suggested new taxi tariff includes the following changes: an increase of 20% on Tariffs 1 and 2; and an increase of 15% on Tariffs 3 and 4. MoreClosed 5 April 2023 -
Meadowbank Development Pre-planning Engagement
Join us at one of our community engagement events to check out and provide feedback on the Meadowbank Development proposals . The City of Edinburgh Council, working in collaboration with the Edinburgh-Meadowbank (EDMB) Consortium, is embarking upon a transformational redevelopment project of the area surrounding the newly opened Meadowbank Sports Centre. The aim of the mixed-use development scheme, which has already been the subject of significant public consultation in partnership... MoreClosed 19 February 2023 -
Speed Limits Review: 20mph and Rural Roads
We are seeking your views on proposals to extend 20mph speed limits in Edinburgh and on introducing lower speed limits on our rural roads. The rural roads are mostly west of the city between Balerno and Queensferry. Edinburgh’s streets and rural roads are shared by many people and types of vehicle. We want to make our streets and rural roads safer and more pleasant for all, especially the most vulnerable users; those on foot, on bikes or, particularly on rural lanes, on horseback.... MoreClosed 8 February 2023 -
Gorgie Dalry 20 Minute Neighbourhood
20-minute neighbourhoods are places where everyone can meet most of their daily needs within a short walk, wheel or cycle from their home. We want to develop a plan to reimagine Gorgie Dalry as a more thriving place that is healthier, greener and safer for everyone. We are starting by looking at the following project area which covers Dalry and streets around Tynecastle High School. This survey will help us understand local needs, opportunities, and any... MoreClosed 16 January 2023 -
Future Secondary School Provision for Kirkliston and Queensferry Areas
Queensferry High School does not have capacity to accommodate new housing developments in Queensferry. Queensferry High School has capacity for 1,200 pupils. The school may exceed that capacity in 2025 and need to accommodate nearly 1,800 pupils by 2035. We think possible solutions could be to: extend Queensferry High School to accommodate up to 1,800 pupils; or build a new secondary school in Kirkliston or West Edinburgh for... MoreClosed 16 January 2023 -
Edinburgh's Thriving Greenspaces 2050
The City of Edinburgh Council is consulting on the draft Edinburgh’s Thriving Greenspaces 2050: A Vision and Strategy for the City of Edinburgh Council’s public greenspaces . This document sets a 2050 Vision for the city’s greenspaces with four strategic themes that will guide the management of the Council’s greenspaces and will be used to set priorities over the next 30 years. A plain text version of selected highlights from the draft strategy is... MoreClosed 31 December 2022 -
2023/24 Council Housing Survey
Every year we ask Council tenants for their views on how their rent should be spent. We use the responses to help us plan our investment priorities and Council housing budget for the following year. This year, with the cost of living crisis on everyone’s mind, we’d like to find out more the financial challenges you’re facing and how best to support you. The cost of living crisis is also making it more expensive to run our housing services. It’s now costing more to bring... MoreClosed 23 December 2022 -
Short-term Let Planning Guidance for Edinburgh
We want to know what you think about our proposed planning guidance for short-term lets in Edinburgh. We have updated the guidance to give more detail on how we will make decisions on planning applications. In 2021, the Scottish Government brought in new legislation which allows councils to have a short-term let control area. In a control area, these new laws mean if you offer a flat or a house for a short-term let that is not the home you live in, you will need planning... MoreClosed 22 December 2022
134 results.
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