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529 results

  • Proposal to Establish a New Primary School in West Edinburgh (Maybury)

    Update (February 2023) The current estimate is that the school will be established with only P1 intakes from August 2024. Update (March 2020) The ' Outcome of Consultation Report ' was reported to the City of Edinburgh Council at its meeting on 12 March 2020. The Council's decision was to approve the proposal to establish a new non-denominational primary school and nursery in West Edinburgh (Maybury) as well as the school catchment changes outlined in the statutory... More
    Closed 7 October 2019
  • Davidson's Mains Crossing Upgrade

    The Council proposes to upgrade the crossings around the mini roundabout at the Main Street / Quality Street junction. The proposals are to introduce revised, raised zebra crossings over reduced carriageway widths, along with LED illuminated white bands on the zebra crossing poles to increase the visibility of the crossings. More
    Closed 6 October 2019
  • Edinburgh Montessori Arts School Parent Travel Survey 2019

    We at Edinburgh Montessori Arts School would like to know what you think about your school journey. This survey will take about 5-10 minutes to complete. We ask that each family complete only one survey. Your responses will be kept confidential and neither your name nor your child’s name will be associated with any results. Please complete this by 30th September 2019. Many thanks for your help! More
    Closed 30 September 2019
  • EIJB Citizen Representative Recruitment

    Do you want to be part of shaping Health and Social Care Services in Edinburgh? The Edinburgh Integration Joint Board (EIJB) was established on 1 April 2016 and is responsible for the strategic planning and commissioning of health and social care services in Edinburgh and for issuing directions to the City of Edinburgh Council and NHS Lothian for the delivery of these services. Have you had experience of using health or social care services ? The EIJB is ... More
    Closed 25 September 2019
  • City Centre Shopping and Leisure Supplementary Guidance

    The Council is revising its existing City Centre Retail Core Supplementary Guidance and we are seeking your views on the proposed changes. Supplementary Guidance has been prepared for each town centre in Edinburgh including the city centre retail core. The guidance is tailored to suit each centre’s individual circumstances in order to guide planning applications for changes of use of retail units within the defined shopping frontages. More
    Closed 20 September 2019
  • Edinburgh Sensory Needs Assessment - Children's Services

    We are looking for the views of parents and carers of children with sensory impairments (hearing and/or vision) living in Edinburgh. These will be used to help inform future planning and collaboration with Health and Social Care services and adult services with Edinburgh. This will help us to implement the Scottish Government strategy for sensory impairment, See Hear . More
    Closed 17 September 2019
  • Astley Ainslie Hospital

    NHS Lothian is proposing to dispose of Astley Ainslie in 2025. The site is still partially in clinical related use, although it is gradually being wound down. The disposal presents an opportunity for NHS Lothian to knit this large site into the fabric of the surrounding area. This consultation will inform NHS Lothian’s strategic work to secure a long term viable future use for the site. The Council will be hosting a number of consultation events to allow the public,... More
    Closed 13 September 2019
  • Community Payback Consultation

    We want to hear your views on Community Payback Orders (CPO). These are given out by the Court to people to pay for their crimes as an alternative to a prison sentence. In particular, we want to know what you think about the unpaid work part of a CPO, which replaced community service in 2011. This is when a person does unpaid work within the community. Do you have any experience of people doing unpaid work in your community? Do you have any ideas about residents,... More
    Closed 31 August 2019
  • Edinburgh Poverty Commission - Phase Two Call for Evidence: 'Prospects'

    Edinburgh Poverty Commission was launched in November 2018 and will be working throughout this year to define the steps the city needs to make to reduce, mitigate, and prevent poverty in Edinburgh. The Commission is an independent group, chaired by Jim McCormick of Joseph Rowntree Foundation and made up of 12 people with experience of tackling poverty and its effects, including citizens who have direct experience of living in poverty in Edinburgh. If you would like to... More
    Closed 31 August 2019
  • Licensing of Sexual Entertainment Venues

    The Scottish Government has introduced legislation which allows councils to license ‘Sexual Entertainment Venues’ (SEVs). The intention behind the legislation is to prevent crime, ensure the safety of staff and customers and prevent nuisance. Please see the 'Background information' document attached below for more information and explanation. The definition of a SEV is provided by legislation, and relates to premises providing 'sexual entertainment' - often referred to as ‘lap... More
    Closed 17 August 2019
  • Festival Event in The Meadows

    The Underbelly Circus Hub has held the contract to hold an event in The Meadows during August since 2015. This year will be the third and final year of the current contract, The City of Edinburgh Council plan to re-procure the contract for another two years with the option to extend for an additional two years and would like to engage with stakeholders to seek their opinions. More
    Closed 16 August 2019
  • Festival Event in Inverleith Park

    The Foodies Festival has held the contract to hold an event during August in Inverleith Park for the past two years. This year will be the third and final year of this contract. The City of Edinburgh Council plan to re-procure the contract for another three years with the option to extend and would like to engage with stakeholders to seek their opinions. More
    Closed 16 August 2019
  • Edinburgh Integration Scheme Amendment

    Following consultation in 2015 the Integration Scheme was approved by Scottish Government and the Integrated Joint Board (IJB) was established in July 2015. Since then, the Integration Scheme for the Edinburgh IJB requires to be updated to reflect changes brought about by the Carers (Scotland) Act 2016 (the “Carers Act”), which introduced new statutory obligations on local authorities and health boards, requiring certain local authority and health board functions to be... More
    Closed 15 August 2019
  • Wester Craiglockhart Hill Management Plan 2019-2029

    Wester Craiglockhart Hill is a prominent feature within Lothian. It provides immense habitat value for a range of different species. It is an important greenspace for recreational activities and environmental studies where a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) can also be found. Management of such an area is guided by a site-specific plan. There has been no previous management plan for Wester Craiglockhart Hill and a new Local Nature Reserve ... More
    Closed 31 July 2019
  • Edinburgh Low Emissions Zone

    In 2018, the Council carried out one of its largest ever consultation programmes, ‘Connecting Our City, Transforming Our Places’ . Of those responding to the consultation, 75% agreed that restricting access for the most polluting vehicles to the city centre and wider city should be considered as one way to control and improve air quality. The City of Edinburgh Council is consulting on proposals to introduce a Low Emission Zone (LEZ) to reduce... More
    Closed 21 July 2019
  • Repairs to Privately Rented Property

    This consultation asks whether the Council should exercise a specific statutory power in support of tenants of privately rented properties by referring landlords to a tribunal, if the property does not meet the required standard. More
    Closed 18 July 2019
  • Theatre licensing

    The Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 allows the Council to choose what types of premises, activities or events it wishes to license within the council area in respect of Public Entertainment. The purpose of regulating this type of activity is not to restrict trade or competition, but to help prevent crime and ensure public safety. In addition, every person who applies for a licence is assessed to see if they are ‘fit and proper’ to have a licence. Public Entertainment... More
    Closed 18 July 2019
  • Edinburgh’s Sensory Impairment Needs Assessment

    We are looking for the views of adults with sensory impairments (hearing and/or vision) and their carers living in Edinburgh. These will be used to shape new Health and Social Care services, and help to guide the implementation of the Scottish Government’s See Hear strategy in the city. If you are a carer, please encourage the person you care for to complete the survey, but please record your own answers to questions 1,2,3 and 13 as well. ... More
    Closed 17 July 2019
  • Redford Barracks

    The Ministry of Defence is proposing to dispose of the Redford Barracks in 2025. The barracks are currently inaccessible and fenced off from the surrounding area and form part of the defence estate. The disposal presents an opportunity to knit this large site back into the fabric of the surrounding area. This consultation will inform the Ministry of Defence’s strategic work to secure a long term viable future use for the site. The Council will be hosting a number of... More
    Closed 5 July 2019
  • Draft Strategic Plan 2019-2022

    The Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership Strategic Plan 2019 – 2022 sets out how health and social care services will evolve in Edinburgh over the next nine years in outline and the next three years in detail. It applies to all adults in the City of Edinburgh who require health and social care or who are considered at risk. We are keen to hear from you on this draft of the Strategic Plan, setting out the priorities we believe we need to pursue if we are to... More
    Closed 1 July 2019
  • Castlebrae Community High School - Parents' Survey

    Castlebrae CHS would like to know what you think about your child's school journey. This survey will take about 5-10 minutes to complete. We ask that each family complete only one survey. Your responses will be kept confidential and neither your name nor your child’s name will be associated with any results. Many thanks for your help. More
    Closed 30 June 2019
  • Edinburgh 2050

    Closed 28 June 2019
  • Have your say about Community Justice

    Community Justice partners are working to: Reduce crime; Keep communities safe; and Promote social inclusion and citizenship. Community Justice wants to support everyone to contribute to our communities and live crime-free lives. Some people need more support to do this than others. W e need to support people who have committed o f fences so they can add value to – rather than detract from – our societ y . At the... More
    Closed 9 June 2019
  • Edinburgh Community Council Scheme Review Final Phase

    On 7 February 2019, the Council authorised the Review of the Scheme for Community Councils . Minor changes were made and approved for further consultation on 2 May 2019. The Scheme, Constitution and Standing Orders set out the rules and regulations governing community councils including election procedures, meeting arrangements, membership, financial provisions and a code of conduct. The review aims to improve and update the terms and provisions of the... More
    Closed 3 June 2019
  • Meadows to Canal - Cycling and Walking Improvements

    Meadows to Canal We are developing a new and improved cycle and walking connection between the Union Canal and the Meadows along National Cycle Network Route 75 (NCN75) The aims of this scheme are to: Provide cyclists of all abilities with a safe, direct passage between the two cycle friendly destinations. Improve the walking experience. Enhance the bus stop locations. Encourage people to consider active travel as a mode of transport. The planned cycle... More
    Closed 31 May 2019
  • Castlebrae CHS Student Survey

    Castlebrae High School is moving! A brand new school is going to be built on Niddrie Mains Road, beside the East Neighbourhood Office/Craigmillar Library . We would like to find out how you currently travel to school and if that will change if you are still at Castlebrae when the new school opens (all current S1 to S3 students) . We hope that you will have an active journey to school - walking or cycling, and we would like to find out... More
    Closed 31 May 2019
  • St Joseph's RC Primary School

    St Joseph's RC Primary School would like to know what you think about your school journey. This survey will take about 5-10 minutes to complete. We ask that each family complete only one survey. Your responses will be kept confidential and neither your name nor your child’s name will be associated with any results. Please complete this by 13th May 2019 Many thanks for your help! More
    Closed 31 May 2019
  • Granton Waterfront Regeneration, Stage 3 - Granton Should Be…

    This consultation is the third stage of a 3 stage engagement process to produce a development framework for Granton Waterfront. Click here to view the results of stage 1 of the consultation "Tell us more about Granton Waterfront" or Click here to view the results of stage 2 of the consultation "Granton Could be. . ." In March 2018, the Council acquired the former gas works in Granton Waterfront which substantially increased its landholdings within this priority regeneration area. ... More
    Closed 26 May 2019
  • Trinity Conservation Area Designation

    The Council is responsible for the conservation and management of built heritage in the city including the designation of conservation areas as areas of special architectural or historic interest. The Trinity Conservation Area was originally designated in 1975. A Character Appraisal for the Conservation Area was published in 2001. C haracter Appraisals are designed to help manage change in the area. More
    Closed 20 May 2019
  • Scotstoun Avenue Traffic Calming Proposals

    The City of Edinburgh Council proposes to introduce new traffic calming measures on Scotstoun Avenue, including uncontrolled crossing points. More
    Closed 12 May 2019
529 results. Page 9 of 18