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529 results

  • Western Neighbourhood Network (NN) - Tackling Social Isolation Questionnaire

    Social Isolation Provision In Drumbrae, Gyle, Corstorphine & Murrayfield The Western Neighbourhood Network want to improve local services and the quality of life for local people living in the Drumbrae, Gyle, Corstorphine, Murrayfield areas of Edinburgh. To help do so, The Council’s Lifelong Learning Team are supporting the Neighbourhood Network to better understand where good... More
    Opened 8 July 2021
  • Edinburgh’s Proposed Low Emission Zone

    The City of Edinburgh Council aims to reduce air pollution, since it presents a significant threat to public health. It is especially harmful to young children, the elderly and those suffering from pre-existing conditions, including heart and lung diseases. Low Emission Zones (LEZs) are being introduced across Scotland’s four largest cities : Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Dundee in response to dangerous levels of air pollution, primarily nitrogen dioxide (NO2),... More
    Opened 28 June 2021
  • Museums & Galleries Edinburgh learning, equalities and community engagement survey

    Museums & Galleries Edinburgh is a collection of 13 varied and fascinating venues owned and managed by the City of Edinburgh Council. We look after the following venues: City Art Centre, Museum of Edinburgh (previously Huntly House),The People’s Story Museum, The Writers’ Museum, Lauriston Castle, Museum of Childhood, Travelling Gallery, Queensferry Museum, Museum Collections Centre, Scott and Nelson Monuments. We run a varied... More
    Opened 21 June 2021
  • Draft 2030 Climate Strategy

    We would like to hear your views on the draft 2030 Climate Strategy for Edinburgh. The draft strategy outlines how we will work with citizens, communities and public, private and third sector organisations across the city to deliver a net zero, climate ready Capital by 2030. An executive summary of the strategy and a full copy can be found in the 'Related' section below. What is Net Zero? More Information Net zero is when any greenhouse... More
    Opened 14 June 2021
  • Regional Prosperity Framework (2021-2041)

    The City of Edinburgh Council is hosting this consultation on behalf of the Edinburgh and South East Scotland region. The Edinburgh and South East Scotland (ESES) region has developed a Regional Prosperity Framework , which outlines our collective early thoughts on the challenges and opportunities facing Edinburgh and South East Scotland in the years ahead. It makes suggestions on the most appropriate focus of effort to maximise our impact and benefits for... More
    Opened 14 June 2021
  • Leith Links Arboretum

    A new arboretum for Leith Links. The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh has teamed up with the City of Edinburgh Council and the Edinburgh & Lothians Greenspace Trust with funding from the Mushroom Trust and Council to offer an experience which celebrates a diversity of trees from across the world; to enhance Leith Links and offer a local outdoor education resource. An arboretum is a specially designed area of different types oftrees for scientific, educational and ornamental... More
    Opened 24 May 2021
  • Corstorphine Connections Low Traffic Neighbourhood - Mailing List

    You can sign up for project updates via the link below. We’ll then keep you informed of project progress and events relating to the project and its aims. The Council is delivering this Places For Everyone funded project in partnership with Sustrans and design consultants, AECOM. The information that you share with us will only be used by the Council and these partners to inform the development of this project. At the end of the project all records will be permanently... More
    Opened 21 May 2021
  • Leith Connections - Mailing List

    You can sign up for project updates via the link below. We’ll then keep you informed of progress, and events where you can speak directly to the delivery team and offer your views. The Council is delivering this Places For Everyone funded project in partnership with Sustrans and design consultants, AECOM. The information that you share with us will only be used by the Council and these partners to inform the development of this project. At the end of the project all... More
    Opened 21 May 2021
  • Granton Waterfront - Granton D1

    The Council owns around 120 acres of developable land within the Granton Waterfront area, creating a unique opportunity to work with key partners and the local residents to deliver an exemplar regeneration. Previous failed attempts to develop Granton highlight the importance of a joined up approach. In February 2020 the Council approved a Development Framework which sets out the vision and key principles that will serve as guidance for all those who wish to develop in the area. This... More
    Opened 20 May 2021
  • Granton Station - New Public Square Naming

    The Edwardian B-listed former Granton Station, set in the heart of the city’s planned new sustainable Granton Waterfront district, is to be restored by the Council. The project will be part-funded through Scottish Government regeneration capital grant funding and town centre funding. Work will commence to bring the historic former Granton Station building back into use by early 2022 as a high-quality creative workspace and the derelict land in front of the building will... More
    Opened 18 May 2021
  • Community Payback Consultation 2021

    We want to hear your views on Community Payback Orders (CPO). These are given out by the Court to people to pay for their crimes as an alternative to a prison sentence. In particular, we want to know what you think about the unpaid work part of a CPO, which replaced community service in 2011. This is when an individual who has committed an offence does unpaid work within the community. Do you have any experience of people doing unpaid... More
    Opened 10 May 2021
  • Edinburgh City-wide Parking Phase 3

    The City of Edinburgh Council is proposing measures to address parking pressures in your area. As part of the process of introducing these measures, we want to know what difficulties you experience with parking in your area, as well as your views on what is being proposed. More
    Opened 20 April 2021
  • Currie Community High School redevelopment

    We are looking for your views on design proposals for the Currie Community High School redevelopment within its current site and is expected to be completed in 2024. The campus is aiming to be the first Passivhaus-designed high school in the country setting the standard for energy consumption across school estates. At the heart of the new school plans are five core elements: education, inclusion, outdoor learning and sustainability, digital learning and... More
    Opened 9 April 2021
  • Licensing of Sexual Entertainment Venues 2021

    In October 2019, the Regulatory Committee agreed in principle to introduce a licensing scheme for Sexual Entertainment Venues (SEVs) in Edinburgh following the introduction of new legislation which allows local authorities to license such venues and an initial public consultation exercise. The definition of a SEV is provided by legislation and is aimed at premises providing sexual entertainment often referred to as ‘lap dancing’. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic... More
    Opened 9 April 2021
  • Winter Festivals 2022 Onwards

    This is a consultation on the future of the winter festivals - Edinburgh's Christmas and Edinburgh's Hogmanay. Edinburgh's Christmas The Edinburgh’s Christmas event currently takes place over a six-week period from around the third weekend in November to around the 6th of January, at locations in and around the city centre of Edinburgh. The activities that form Edinburgh’s Christmas include a market offer, fairground, family attractions and, until 2018, an ice rink. ... More
    Opened 24 February 2021
  • Retaining 'Spaces for People' measures – Let us know your views

    This survey is for individuals and households, if you are responding on behalf of a business, please use the business survey . During the Coronavirus pandemic, we’ve put ‘Spaces for People’ measures in place that aim to: help parents/carers and children to physically distance near schools help people to physically distance while using high streets, some city centre streets, and while exercising provide protected cycle lanes on main roads, so... More
    Opened 22 February 2021
  • Retaining 'Spaces for People' measures – Business Survey

    This version of the survey is specifically aimed at businesses. If you are an individual or household responding to this consultation, please use the individual survey . During the Coronavirus pandemic, we’ve put ‘Spaces for People’ measures in place that aim to: help parents/carers and children to physically distance near schools help people to physically distance while using high streets, some city centre streets, and while exercising ... More
    Opened 22 February 2021
  • Proposed Local Nature Reserve Extension declaration for Easter Craiglockhart Hill

    The City of Edinburgh Council intends to declare an extension to Easter Craiglockhart Hill (ECH) Local Nature Reserve. This would entail sections W1 and W2, locally called Craighouse Woodland and Meadowspot Woodland respectively, from the map below being given LNR status. This is due to the transfer of land (W1, W2 and W3) to the care of City of Edinburgh Council. View the proposed extension to Easter Craiglockhart Hill LNR More Information Alternatively,... More
    Opened 18 February 2021
  • Proposed Local Nature Reserve Declaration for Wester Craiglockhart Hill including Greenbank Community Woodland

    The City of Edinburgh Council intends to declare Wester Craiglockhart Hill including Greenbank Community Woodland (WCH) as a Local Nature Reserve. The Council’s legislative power to declare Local Nature Reserves is outlined below. A Local Nature Reserve (LNR) is an area of land declared under Section 21 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949, by a local authority, for its special nature interest and/or educational value. The final stages of... More
    Opened 18 February 2021
  • New Maybury Primary School and Health Centre

    We are looking for your views on design proposals for the new Maybury Primary School and Health Centre. This new building will be located within the West Craigs development near the airport in West Edinburgh. More
    Opened 15 February 2021
  • Edinburgh City-wide Parking Phase 2

    The City of Edinburgh Council is proposing measures to address parking pressures in your area. As part of the process of introducing these measures, we want to know what difficulties you experience with parking in your area, as well as your views on what is being proposed. More
    Opened 15 February 2021
  • Corstorphine Connections - Low Traffic Neighbourhood Engagement

    This public engagement gives people the opportunity to express their views about the current issues, challenges and opportunities that will infrom the scope of a potential low traffic neighbourhood in this area of Corstorphine - south of St John's Road, between Meadow Place Road and Pinkhill. More
    Opened 8 February 2021
  • Leith Connections

    We are seeking feedback from local residents and businesses on a new project which aims to create a safer and more comfortable environment for residents and visitors walking, cycling, wheeling and spending time in the local streets and outdoor spaces of Leith. The project will build upon the City of Edinburgh Council’s current cycling and waking projects , Active Travel Action Plan , QuietRoute network and cycle and walking improvements that are a part of the Trams to... More
    Opened 8 February 2021
  • Proposed Local Nature Reserve Declaration for Little France Park

    The City of Edinburgh Council intends to declare Little France Park as a Local Nature Reserve. The Council’s legislative power to declare Local Nature Reserves is outlined below. A Local Nature Reserve (LNR) is an area of land declared under Section 21 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949, by a local authority, for its special nature interest and/or educational value. The final stages of the declaration process will take place during... More
    Opened 29 January 2021
  • Leith Chooses 2020-2021

    £eith Chooses is a process of democratic deliberation and decision-making in which local people choose how to spend a public budget. (participatory budgeting, or ‘PB’) If you live, work, study or volunteer in Leith please take time to consider the projects, and cast your votes here. Grants of up to £5,000 will be awarded from a total of £51,106 (£46,106 from Community Grants Fund and £5,000 from Trams to Newhaven). These grants are for small,... More
    Opened 25 January 2021
  • Questionnaire for people who use independent advocacy services in Edinburgh

    The Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership contracts independent advocacy services from the third sector. This is because we have a duty to provide access to independent advocacy services to people who need it and meet the requirements for it. The requirement for indepedendent advocacy is decided by the following legislation: Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000 ... More
    Opened 5 January 2021
  • Low Traffic Neighbourhoods Proposals for Communities

    This page provides details of Council led public engagements currently being undertaken on the Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN) projects in Edinburgh. It also provides links to the reports and documentation of public engagement previously undertaken on LTNs see the ‘Related’ section below. This includes the reports on the Autumn 2021 Corstorphine LTN placemaking engagment. There are no public engagements currently being undertaken. More
    Opened 1 January 2021
  • Edinburgh Living Landscape

    The Edinburgh Living Landscape (ELL) is a partnership project that creates, restores and connects green areas of the city to help reduce the impact of climate change and make attractive and biodiverse landscapes. As part of this project the Council has created a significant number of biodiversity-rich landscape features, i.e. sowing floral meadows, reducing how often some areas of grass are cut to encourage naturalisation and pollination, mowing pathways through areas of longer grass so... More
    Opened 9 December 2020
  • Newbattle Terrace Public Realm Works

    The Council is proposing to carry our major refurbishment works on Newbattle Terrace between Morningside Road and Eden Lane. The aim of the scheme is to improve the streetscape and make it a more welcoming place by: Resurfacing the road and footpaths in high quality materials Eliminating uneven surfaces and drainage problems Replacing missing street trees with suitable species Introducing continuous at-level footpaths over... More
    Opened 30 November 2020
  • Edinburgh Food Growing Strategy

    Under the Community Empowerment Act 2015, all Scottish Local Authorities are required to produce a Food Growing Strategy for their area. The draft Edinburgh Food Growing Strategy , Growing Locally, was approved for consultation by Council Committee in February 2020. The three key objectives of the Strategy are to: Grow more locally Consume more locally Increase awareness and engagement An... More
    Opened 27 November 2020
529 results. Page 6 of 18