Updates on recent activities

136 results

  • 2023/24 Council Housing Survey

    Every year we ask Council tenants for their views on how their rent should be spent. We use the responses to help us plan our investment priorities and Council housing budget for the following year. This year, with the cost of living crisis on everyone’s mind, we’d like to find out more the financial challenges you’re facing and how best to support you. The cost of living crisis is also making it more expensive to run our housing services. It’s now costing more to bring... More
    Closed 23 December 2022
  • Short-term Let Planning Guidance for Edinburgh

    We want to know what you think about our proposed planning guidance for short-term lets in Edinburgh. We have updated the guidance to give more detail on how we will make decisions on planning applications. In 2021, the Scottish Government brought in new legislation which allows councils to have a short-term let control area. In a control area, these new laws mean if you offer a flat or a house for a short-term let that is not the home you live in, you will need planning... More
    Closed 22 December 2022
  • Licensing Board Policy Consultation

    The Edinburgh Licensing Board is about to start the process of preparing its new Statement of Licensing Policy. The policy sets out in detail how the Board considers applications for the licensing of the sale of alcohol in the Board’s area, but also the expectations the Board has of licence holders in operating their premises. The Board has to prepare a new policy every five years and must ensure the policy promotes the licensing objectives of:- Preventing crime and... More
    Closed 20 December 2022
  • Fields in Trust Protection

    Parks and green spaces are proven to help people stay physically and mentally well, build community spirit, help combat loneliness and are important for the planet. The Council is proposing that an additional twenty of the city's parks are nominated for Fields in Trust protection. This is a legal agreement known as a “Minute of Agreement” between the City of Edinburgh Council and the Fields in Trust charity. The proposals would go some way to ensure that almost everyone in the... More
    Closed 16 December 2022
  • Coillesdene Area Traffic Calming

    A traffic management trial was implemented by the City of Edinburgh Council in February 2022 in the Brunstane Road and Coillesdene area through an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order. The trial includes the closure of Brunstane Road at the railway bridge in conjunction with measures at various locations in the Coillesdene area to reduce unnecessary through traffic. The trial was introduced because residents on Brunstane Road, between Milton Road and the railway bridge,... More
    Closed 1 November 2022
  • Inch Park Masterplan

    We are seeking views on our masterplan for regenerating Inch Park . We are working with local communities and architects to create masterplans for Leith Links, West Pilton Park, Inverleith Park and Inch Park. These plans will show how people want to see the parks used in the future and what facilities they should have. Masterplans give us a vision. What is actually possible depends on local support and on funding. We have created a masterplan for regenerating... More
    Closed 31 October 2022
  • 2030 Climate Strategy - Draft Strategic Environmental Assessment

    The 2030 Climate Strategy was drafted in response to the City of Edinburgh Council declaring a climate emergency in 2019 and setting an ambition for both the Council and the city to become net zero by 2030. For Edinburgh to deliver the 2030 net zero target system-wide change is required across the city. The Council has worked with key city partners to put together actions that can be implemented now, using tested approaches and lessons learned from experiences in other cities. ... More
    Closed 11 October 2022
  • Women's Safety in Public Places

    At its meeting on 30 November 2021 the Council’s Policy and Sustainability Committee approved a consultation into girls’ and women’s feelings about safety in public spaces in Edinburgh. We recognise that many women and girls do not feel safe in public places and we are working to identify what makes particular areas and places feel safe or unsafe. We want to hear from all Edinburgh residents, particularly women and girls, who live, work and/or study in Edinburgh about your... More
    Closed 20 September 2022
  • Short Term Lets 2022 - consultation 2

    We’ve previously asked you what the Council’s short term lets policy should include and what any additional licence conditions should cover. After considering responses to that consultation, a proposed short term let licensing policy and conditions framework has been developed . As a result of the Civic Government Scotland Act 1982 (Licensing of Short Term Lets) Order 2022 being passed by the Scottish Parliament, local authorities in Scotland will introduce a licensing... More
    Closed 5 September 2022
  • Leith Connections: Phase 3 west - east proposals

    The Leith Connections project is aiming to create a safer and more comfortable street environment for residents walking, wheeling, cycling and spending time in the local streets and outdoor spaces of Leith. The project builds upon the City of Edinburgh Council’s City Mobility Plan . This aims to help Edinburgh connect through a safer and more inclusive carbon neutral transport system - delivering a healthier, thriving, fairer and compact capital city and a higher quality of life for... More
    Closed 17 July 2022
  • South Queensferry - walking, wheeling and cycling improvements

    As part of the delivery of the Local Development Plan , we are exploring opportunities for improving walking, wheeling and cycling conditions within South Queensferry. The aim is to create more travel options for your daily trips to school and work as well as other trips in your local community. The Local Development Plan was adopted in November 2016 and includes detail on the policies and proposals that are to be used in delivering future developments for the city and ... More
    Closed 17 July 2022
  • Lochend and Easter Road - walking, wheeling and cycling improvements

    The purpose of this survey is for you to provide us with feedback on the design proposals for local path improvements to the path connection from Moray Park Terrace to Lochend Butterfly Way, and changes to the Easter Road/ Albion Road Junction. The map below shows the two areas our proposals are considering. Please review the proposals before responding to the survey. A summary is provided here with more details available via the Give us your views link... More
    Closed 17 July 2022
  • Walk Wheel Cycle Burdiehouse

    We are developing plans to improve the provision and accessibility of sustainable modes of travel for residents and visitors to the Burdiehouse area including proposed changes to Burdiehouse Road and Frogston Road East. The project builds upon the City of Edinburgh Council’s City Mobility Plan . This aims to help Edinburgh connect through a safer and more inclusive carbon neutral transport system - delivering a healthier, thriving, fairer and compact capital city and a higher... More
    Closed 17 July 2022
  • Smokey Brae improvements - developed designs

    We would like to hear your views on our proposals to improve Smokey Brae. Smokey Brae is an important link between Leith and the historic village of Restalrig, to London Road, the new Meadowbank sports centre and the city centre. Between 2018 and 2020 we held public drop-in consultations and design workshops as part of the community-led Meadowbank masterplan. At these events you told us that Smokey Brae is a highly undesirable space for pedestrians, wheelers and cyclists. In... More
    Closed 16 May 2022
  • Cemetery Management Rules 2022

    The City of Edinburgh Council (the Council) shall introduce a set of Cemetery Management Rules made under the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982. These draft Rules were approved for public inspection by the Culture and Communities Committee on 1 February 2022 . The Rules will regulate the behaviour of cemetery visitors, control of dogs and parking. The Rules will apply to all 43 Council owned and operated cemeteries, graveyards, churchyards and... More
    Closed 25 April 2022
  • Granton Waterfront Community Benefits

    We are currently reviewing our guidance in relation to the handling of community benefits delivered through the Granton Waterfront regeneration and development programme. We’d like to hear your feedback and comments in relation to the draft framework. The framework is designed to guide developers and contractors investing in the area on what is most important to the community in relation to social, environmental and economic benefits. About Granton Waterfront ... More
    Closed 16 March 2022
  • Granton Gasholder Park

    The City of Edinburgh Council would like to share the vision and proposals for the future of the Granton Gasholder and gather views on how the space should be developed. Image credit: Fabio Scalici Photography Project Overview The Council was successful in its bid to secure funding from the UK Government’s Levelling Up Fund to restore the Granton Gasholder. The proposals include the restoration of the B-listed gasholder frame and the creation of a publicly accessible... More
    Closed 27 February 2022
  • Housing Survey

    Edinburgh residents of all ages and living in all types of housing are invited to take part in a survey about accessible housing. The survey is part of a project the Council is doing to help us understand more about the need for accessible and adaptable homes now and in the future. Your feedback will help the Council to understand more about the number of households in Edinburgh who may need housing which is designed or adapted to meet health, disability and frailty... More
    Closed 4 February 2022
  • Edinburgh Slavery and Colonialism Legacy Review

    Building on long-standing efforts of City of Edinburgh Council, equalities-focussed organisations and individuals, and protests in support of the global Black Lives Matter movement, in July 2020 the Council’s Policy and Sustainability Committee agreed a set of actions to address historic racial injustice and stem modern day discrimination. Its report stated: “Committee recognises… that cities, including Edinburgh, should acknowledge and address their roles in perpetuating racism... More
    Closed 19 January 2022
  • Taxi Fare Review 2021 - proposed tariff

    The City of Edinburgh Council reviews taxi fares every 18 months and must consult on any proposals to change the taxi fare tariff. The suggested new taxi tariff includes the following changes: an amendment to applicable tariffs at Christmas and New Year; an increase to 40p surcharge per passenger where there are more than three; and an increase of 2.9% on all tariffs. More
    Closed 27 November 2021
  • Short-Term Let Control Area

    In April 2021, government introduced laws which allow councils in Scotland to designate all or part of their area as a Short-Term Let Control Area. If councils choose to do this, they must get approval from Scottish Government. On 11 August 2021, the Planning Committee approved a proposal to ask people for their views on whether we should have a Short-Term Let Control Area for the entire Council area. If a short-term let control area... More
    Closed 5 November 2021
  • Early Learning and Childcare Parent and Carer Survey 2021

    The City of Edinburgh Council is seeking the views of parents and carers with children under 5 years of age to ensure we provide a high quality service that is responsive to the changing needs of our local communities. The online survey aims to gain the views of parents and carers regarding the following areas: The current delivery models available to access the funded entitlement to 1140 hours of early learning and childcare. ... More
    Closed 29 October 2021
  • Edinburgh’s Proposed Low Emission Zone

    The City of Edinburgh Council aims to reduce air pollution, since it presents a significant threat to public health. It is especially harmful to young children, the elderly and those suffering from pre-existing conditions, including heart and lung diseases. Low Emission Zones (LEZs) are being introduced across Scotland’s four largest cities : Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Dundee in response to dangerous levels of air pollution, primarily nitrogen dioxide (NO2),... More
    Closed 20 September 2021
  • Draft 2030 Climate Strategy

    We would like to hear your views on the draft 2030 Climate Strategy for Edinburgh. The draft strategy outlines how we will work with citizens, communities and public, private and third sector organisations across the city to deliver a net zero, climate ready Capital by 2030. An executive summary of the strategy and a full copy can be found in the 'Related' section below. What is Net Zero? More Information Net zero is when any greenhouse... More
    Closed 12 September 2021
  • Granton Station - New Public Square Naming

    The Edwardian B-listed former Granton Station, set in the heart of the city’s planned new sustainable Granton Waterfront district, is to be restored by the Council. The project will be part-funded through Scottish Government regeneration capital grant funding and town centre funding. Work will commence to bring the historic former Granton Station building back into use by early 2022 as a high-quality creative workspace and the derelict land in front of the building will... More
    Closed 8 June 2021
  • Corstorphine Connections - Low Traffic Neighbourhood Engagement

    This public engagement gives people the opportunity to express their views about the current issues, challenges and opportunities that will infrom the scope of a potential low traffic neighbourhood in this area of Corstorphine - south of St John's Road, between Meadow Place Road and Pinkhill. More
    Closed 5 March 2021
  • Leith Connections

    We are seeking feedback from local residents and businesses on a new project which aims to create a safer and more comfortable environment for residents and visitors walking, cycling, wheeling and spending time in the local streets and outdoor spaces of Leith. The project will build upon the City of Edinburgh Council’s current cycling and waking projects , Active Travel Action Plan , QuietRoute network and cycle and walking improvements that are a part of the Trams to... More
    Closed 5 March 2021
  • Newbattle Terrace Public Realm Works

    The Council is proposing to carry our major refurbishment works on Newbattle Terrace between Morningside Road and Eden Lane. The aim of the scheme is to improve the streetscape and make it a more welcoming place by: Resurfacing the road and footpaths in high quality materials Eliminating uneven surfaces and drainage problems Replacing missing street trees with suitable species Introducing continuous at-level footpaths over... More
    Closed 24 December 2020
  • Equality Outcomes 2021-2025

    The Equality Act 2010  requires all public bodies (such as councils and the health service) to publish equality outcomes at least every four years. Equality outcomes aim to achieve specific and identifiable improvements in people’s life chances, eliminate discrimination and foster good relations. Working in partnership - Edinburgh, West Lothian and Midlothian Councils (including their education authorities and Midlothian’s licensing board), NHS... More
    Closed 22 December 2020
  • Gaelic Medium Education in Edinburgh

    We aim to build a dedicated secondary school for Gaelic Medium Education in Edinburgh. The City of Edinburgh Council is committed to the expansion of high-quality secondary Gaelic Medium Education (GME) in an immersive environment. As Scotland’s capital city, we have a special responsibility to nurture and help cultivate the Gaelic language as an integral part of our shared heritage and national identity. In order to secure a sustainable future for Gaelic, the Council... More
    Closed 11 December 2020
136 results. Page 2 of 5